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PSPUAE Install Guide
« on: January 13, 2007, 04:01:01 PM »

This guide will cover all firmwares able to run PSPUAE, it does'nt cover V2.80 using the xloader at the moment, until I have tested the new packaging im putting together. Although this will cover Tiff / GTA exploit, there is a seperate package already made up, that works prefect upon install (has been confirmed working).

What is needed
A PSP (V1.00, 1.50, 2.71 SE, 3.02 OE & 3.03 OE) well duh!!! ;).
Latest PSPUAE Release.
Amiga Kickstart ROM Files (Do'nt ask for these, as they are copyrighted material, try GOOGLE).
Disk Images (.adf, you can have .adf in zip format, but only 1 disk per .zip).

Once you have downloaded latest version, unzip the archive (i.e. PSPUAE-062-CE.zip). Once extracted you will find a folder called PSPUAE-062-CE in your extraction location, now open the PSPUAE-062-CE folder and you will find 2 folders and 2 readme files (normally 1 readme, but this example has 2 due to it being the Christmas 2006 release).

We will first explain the V1.50 (KXploited) Folder:-

The latest release folder as shown above, you can see the 2 folders and 2 readme's, open the V1.50 folder, and you should get the same as the pic below,

You will see the PSP folder, now connect your psp and select usb (if you havent already), now access your psp MemoryStick ROOT dir as shown below,

In this example pic, you will notice K: as the drive, this might not be the same for you, as I have about 6 or 7 storage devices attached to my PC, so yours might be F:, G:, etc. etc.
Anyways, the the pic above shows my MS ROOT dir (dir structure is diff as my MS was formatted in 3.03 Firmware), now drag the PSP folder from the Release V1.50 folder and drop it in the ROOT of  your Memory Stick, see below,

It will then proceed to tell you it wants to overwrite PSP folder as it already exists, click "YES TO ALL" see pic below,

It will then start transfering PSPUAE to your MS (even though we told it to overwrite, it won't effect anything on the MS already), see pic below,

Once it's finished transfering, you need to then navigate to the __SCE__PSPUAE folder, You are in the ROOT of the MS at the moment, ROOT = ms0:, open the PSP folder, see pic below,

Now you are in the PSP folder, PSP (folder) = ms0:\PSP\, open the GAME folder, see pic below,

Now you are in the GAME folder, GAME (folder) = ms0:\PSP\GAME\, open the __SCE__PSPUAE fodler, see pic below,

Now, open the KICKS folder, then drag and drop your KickStart ROM files, see pic below,

Once the Kick Files have finished transfering, you will end up with a folder similar to this, see pic below, (NOTE:- Notice the naming of the files, kick10, kick11. (So if you had Kickstart1.3, it would need to be renamed to kick13)). Also regarding KickStarts, you can't use the any over dumped kicks (i.e. kickstarts that come with Amiga Forever). Important, you must have kick13 (a.k.a. Kickstart 1.3) in the KICKS folder, or the emu will not work full stop.

Now, you need to navigate back 1 dir to the __SCE__PSPUAE dir and open the DISKS dir, see pic below,

Now, drag and drop your .adf files here, see pic below,

You can also drag and drop any .zip (must contain only 1 .adf) here also, see pic below,

Once it has finished transfering, you will end up with something like the pic below, you will notice that there are 4 files, 2 .adf and 2 .zip files. The 2 .zips will act exactly like the 2 .adf files.

Thats it for the installation, and you can now run PSPUAE, to do so, first disconnect from USB and navigate to GAME in the PSP XMB menu, see pic below, (NOTE:- in this example, im using a BETA Version, hence this EBOOT pic etc etc. is different).

It will then boot, using the default inbuilt config. That of an A500, with KickStart 1.3. See pic below,

Thats it, your all set to go, check out the README, for usage instructions.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 02:18:44 PM by FOL »
Resolute and Industrious
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Re: PSPUAE Install Guide
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2007, 04:45:11 PM »

We will now explain the V1.00_2.71HenC_GTA-Tiff (NON-KXploited) Folder:-

The latest release folder as shown above, you can see the 2 folders and 2 readme's, open the V1.00_2.71HenC_GTA-Tiff folder, and you should get the same as the pic below,

You will see the PSP folder, now connect your psp and select usb (if you havent already), now access your psp MemoryStick ROOT dir as shown below,

In this example pic, you will notice K: as the drive, this might not be the same for you, as I have about 6 or 7 storage devices attached to my PC, so yours might be F:, G:, etc. etc.
Anyways, the the pic above shows my MS ROOT dir (dir structure is diff as my MS was formatted in 3.03 Firmware), now drag the PSP folder from the Release V1.00_2.71HenC_GTA-Tiff folder and drop it in the ROOT of  your Memory Stick, see below,

It will then proceed to tell you it wants to overwrite PSP folder as it already exists, click "YES TO ALL" see pic below,

It will then start transfering PSPUAE to your MS (even though we told it to overwrite, it won't effect anything on the MS already), see pic below,

Once it's finished transfering, you need to then navigate to the PSPUAE folder, You are in the ROOT of the MS at the moment, ROOT = ms0:, open the PSP folder, see pic below,

For Custom Firmware, you might have a dir like this, see below, PSPUAE needs to be in GAME150,

Now you are in the PSP folder, PSP (folder) = ms0:\PSP\, open the GAME folder, see pic below,

For Custom Firmware, you might have a dir like this, see below,

Now you are in the GAME folder, GAME (folder) = ms0:\PSP\GAME\, open the PSPUAE folder, see pic below, (NOTE:- If you are on 3.02 or 3.03 OE, you need to move the PSPUAE folder from GAME to GAME150 in the PSP folder).

Now, open the KICKS folder, then drag and drop your KickStart ROM files, see pic below,

Once the Kick Files have finished transfering, you will end up with a folder similar to this, see pic below, (NOTE:- Notice the naming of the files, kick10, kick11. (So if you had Kickstart1.3, it would need to be renamed to kick13)). Also regarding KickStarts, you can't use the any over dumped kicks (i.e. kickstarts that come with Amiga Forever). Important, you must have kick13 (a.k.a. Kickstart 1.3) in the KICKS folder, or the emu will not work full stop.

Now, you need to navigate back 1 dir to the PSPUAE dir and open the DISKS dir, see pic below,

Now, drag and drop your .adf files here, see pic below,

You can also drag and drop any .zip (must contain only 1 .adf) here also, see pic below,

Once it has finished transfering, you will end up with something like the pic below, you will notice that there are 4 files, 2 .adf and 2 .zip files. The 2 .zips will act exactly like the 2 .adf files.

Thats it for the installation, and you can now run PSPUAE, to do so, first disconnect from USB and navigate to GAME in the PSP XMB menu, see pic below, (NOTE:- in this example, im using a BETA Version, hence this EBOOT pic etc etc. is different).

It will then boot, using the default inbuilt config. That of an A500, with KickStart 1.3. See pic below,

Thats it, your all set to go, check out the README, for usage instructions.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 02:19:05 PM by FOL »
Resolute and Industrious
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Re: PSPUAE Install Guide
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2007, 05:11:45 PM »

Regarding Eloader, I have upped the setup ready to run package (minus the KickRoms) to the downloads section, if using GTA / Tiff Exploit, Download that version. It uses the ELoader 0.99 and PSPUAE Christmas Edition. Once I setup a working package of XLoader, the XLoader package will then replace the ELoader package.

For install instructions, READ the README!!!!!.

Resolute and Industrious
Grand ruler of the yellow people and the Ultimate Amiga Empire
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