Exceptional work bruceuncle.
Aw shucks!

The document (Help File + Index + Contents) you refer to as, "more a quick-ref of the whole AMOS Pro language" can be used as just that, it's Ideal.
I like the idea of quick reference guides too. That's why I did the Interface one already posted - I needed it for myself

I'm a bit concerned that we don't blur the distinctions between 'language and programming manual', 'tutorial' and 'quick reference':
- | I've always regarded a 'manual' as being the basic (bugger - another pun!) learning tool and 'bible'. Yer sits down with it and slog through it, patiently absorbing the info and doing the examples. |
- | The 'tutorial' is a learning tool that takes it a step further and explores 'areas of interest' with copious full working examples. |
- | The 'quick reference' is a memory-jogger for people who have mostly waded through the first two. It should be as concise as possible and just show a brief description, syntax definition, parameter and return value definitions, and (especially in the case of AMOS Basic) bit-field definitions. The odd paragraph of info is acceptable to explain syntax conventions and anything unusual about the language. |
In that context, the 'snippets' in a quick-reference shouldn't really be there - just the syntax variations. It's a memory-jogger rather than a full explanation. The user should go to the 'manual' or 'tutorial' if they're confused by the 'quick-reference'.
Although there are example snippets already in the document, I'd like to see a 3 or 4 line snippet followed by the expected output. I often find that minimal snippets in other references are not always clear in their meaning or expected output. However these would be added at a later date once the Quick Reference itself was completed, a second edition maybe.
That's why I'd rather see the 'quick-ref' with minimal snippets that just define the usage syntax. The example snippets (and more extensive examples) should go in the 'manual' and 'tutorial' docs.
Having stated that, of course the AMOS Help file on which this document is based only partially follows those rules

. At least the authors took the trouble to split them into separate chunks. There's the 'manual' style stuff at the start (How to Use the Help System and Syntax Conventions) with the 'quick-ref' style for Editor Keys and the language itself. Plus a few helpful 'tables' (Scancodes and Keycodes) at the end. The 'Stop Press' at the very end is back to the 'manual' style again.
My inclination would be to chop the document into just these categories as a 'quick-ref':
Syntax Conventions | - | manual style, but brief |
Language Syntax | - | quick-ref style only |
Editor Keys | - | quick-ref style only |
Tables | - | quick-ref style only |
Any expansion on that starts to get a bit too close to being a 'manual'.
Of course, the 'manual' itself can go to town on examples and so on as long as it doesn't attempt to become a 'tutorial'.
It's inevitable that there will always be some slight blurring of the distinctions between these document types. But keeping them a separate as possible should be the goal.
That's why I made this point:
The Help File manual is not intended to replace the original AMOS Pro Manual, but to possibly supplement it and definitely act as an organised source of material for the AMOS Pro Resource Kit docs.
Does that make any sense?
4.) The quick reference books I have are usually a smaller page size (A5-ish) than normal books (B5-ish), with my c++ quick-ref being nearly 500 pages long. A5 is the book size I would be targeting for the quick ref.
I can see your point. And for a commercial ref book that's probably the way to go (printing and packaging costs, etc). But who's going to be the target for these docs? I suspect they'll either be viewed on-screen (HTML and PDF versions) where page size is irrelevant, or printed on a home printer. And who can handle those sizes on a home printer?

Although I must admit to printing two-up and double-sided on A4 to shrink paper usage myself sometimes

. Would like some feedback from the intended audience before committing on that point.
The quick-ref guides for the AMAL and Menu sub-languages you mentioned, are you going to do them in the same format as the interface language guide. Although the info can be added and expanded in the resource kit manuals, I also like the idea of these references as quick cards, very handy for developers
Yeah, I quite liked that format even though it's not exactly a pocket-sized ref-card style. Again, I can only print on A4 although I can print on thick A4 card and chop into A5 on the colour printer. A personal gripe is that, as I get older, I find tiny-font card-style refs a bit of a pain to read. My e-book reader came with a manual the size of a cigarette packet (for younger viewers, cigarettes were a nasty habit from olden-times) which required a magnifying glass even for younger readers. I'm thinking of donating it to a local doll's house...
The unfortunate side effect of this is manually created links. For AMOS The Creator, 840 bookmarks and 840 Hyperlinks had to be created manually. 1680 manually created tags takes a looooong time, well about a week.
I've got this stuff stored in a
structured database. So please let me know what exactly you need to do this the easy way. I always prefer writing code to do tedious jobs rather than slog through doing it by hand. It also avoids typos and errors - assuming the source texts are error-free. That's what computers are for!

In fact it's a real nice change to be dealing with such a
small database rather than the multi-million row commercial monsters I'm used to. I've also had a lot of experience with text-formatting code over the years, so don't hesitate to ask. I can soon tell you if any ideas are feasible or not. And I really would hate to see anyone 'doing it the hard way'! Your concordance file looks a likely candidate...