E> Do While K$="" K$=Inkey$ Wend If Asc(K$)=0 Then Print "No Ascii Code" Print "The Scan Code is ";Scancode K$="" Loop
function: return shift status of key entered with INKEY$
To determine if keys are pressed at the same time as either or both of the [Shift] keys, the Scanshift function returns the following values:
Value Meaning 0 no [Shift] key pressed 1 [Left Shift] pressed 2 [Right Shift] pressed 3 both [Shift] keys pressed
Try out the following example by pressing various keys, in combination with the [Shift] keys:
E> Do A$=Inkey$ S=Scanshift If S<>0 Print S End If Loop
function: test for a specific key press
k=Key State(scan code)
Use this function to check whether or not a specific key has been pressed. The relevant scan code should be enclosed in brackets, and when the associated key is being pressed KEY STATE will return a value of TRUE (-1), otherwise the result will be given as FALSE (0). For example:
E> Do If Key State(69)=True Then Print "ESCAPE!" : Rem Esc key pressed If Key State(95)=True Then Print "HELP!": Rem Help key pressed Loop