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Disc Access

Title$ and title2$ are optional text strings that set up a title to be displayed at the top of your file selector. For example:

E> F$=Fsel$("AMOSPro_Examples:Objects/*.Abk")
   If F$="" Then Edit : Rem Return to editor if no file selected
   Load F$: Rem Load file and display first Bob
   Flash Off : Bob 1,100,100,1 : Get Bob Palette : Wait Vbl

Naming files
To create a new folder that can be used to hold files of data, a suitable disc should be ready in the appropriate drive.

instruction: create a folder
Mkdir filename$

This makes a new folder on the current disc, and gives it the filename of your choice. For example:


instruction: rename a file
Rename oldname$ To newname$

This command is used to change the name of an existing file. If your choice of new filename is already in use by another file, the appropriate error message will be given.

X> Rename "Ancient" To "Modern"

Running programs from disc

instruction: execute an AMOS Professional program
Run file$

As well as the [Run] or [F1] facility for executing programs from the Edit Screen, the RUN command may be used on its own from Direct Mode.

When followed by a filename and used inside a program, the RUN command is extremely useful. Authors of vast computer games, involving many levels of play, need not be restricted by the storage space of a single disc or the memory available in your Amiga. Each level of play can be written as a separate program and then saved as a different filename. This means that at the end of one level of play, the next stage can be loaded from disc automatically.

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