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Accessing a Serial Port

When the SERIAL OPEN command is called for the first time, the Serial Device library is loaded from the System disc automatically, so make sure that this disc is available in the current drive.

instruction: close one or more Serial channels
Serial Close
Serial Close Channel number

The use of this instruction closes all currently opened serial channels with no check for any errors. If an optional channel number is given, the specified channel will be closed using all normal error checks.

Whenever a program is run from AMOS Professional, any opened channels will be closed automatically.

Setting the serial parameters
The default settings for Serial Channels correspond to the standard Minitel protocol used in France, as follows:

1200 Baud
7 bits
1 stop bit
Even parity.

These settings can be changed using the instructions that are explained next.

instruction: set transfer rate for a serial channel
Serial Speed Channel number,Baud rate

This sets the current data transfer rate (the Baud rate) of the given channel, for both the sending and receiving operations. A Baud rate cannot be split for a. single channel. If the specified transfer rate is not supported by the current serial device, it may be rejected by the system.

instruction: set the number of bits for transmission of characters
Serial Bits Channel number,number of bits,number of Stop bits

This command is used to assign the number of bits that are to be used for each character that is transmitted. After the channel number is specified, give the number of bits followed by the number of Stop bits to be used.

instruction: set parity checking for a serial channel
Serial Parity Channel number, Parity

The SERIAL PARITY instruction sets the parity checking to be used for the specified serial channel.

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