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instruction: create a list of available fonts from current disc
Get Disc Fonts

This instruction is exactly the same as the GET FONTS command, except that it triggers a search through the "Fonts" folder of your current disc only. If new fonts are to be used, then they must first be copied into this folder.

instruction: create a list of available ROM fonts
Get Rom Fonts

As you might expect, this command produces a list of the fonts that are built into the computer's ROM chips. At time of writing, the choice is rather limited:

E> Screen Open 0,640,200,16,Hires
   Get Rom Fonts
   For A=1 To 10
    Set Font A : A$="Hello, I'm "+ Font$(A) : Text 0,100,A$
    Wait Key : Cls
   Next A

function: return details of available fonts
report$=Font$(font number)

This function is used to examine an existing font list and make a report, giving details of the specified font number. The report is given as a string of 38 characters, holding the following information: the name of the font, its physical height in pixels and its status set to either Disc or Rom. For example:

E> Get Fonts : Set Font 2
   Print Font$(2)

instruction: select font for use by Text command
Set Font font number

This simple command is used to select the character set to be employed by a TEXT instruction, like this:

E> Get Fonts Set Font 2 : Text 100,100,"AMOS" : Set Font 1: Text 100,120,"Professional"

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