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the Monitor

The Graphic Output Window
The window that occupies the top left-hand quarter of the Monitor Screen displays the graphic output of the current program screen. The screen number is displayed above it. Lowres screens are reduced to exactly half of their original size, so that a 320x200 screen fits perfectly into this window. If the screen is larger than this default size, it can be explored using the four directional arrow icons in the push-button control panel. Hires screens are not reduced, and these are also examined using the direction arrows.

All colour animations, including FLASH and FADE will be shown during the monitoring process. If the current screen features more than 16 colours, then colours 16 to 31, colours 41 to 47 and colours 48 to 63 will each be converted to colours 0 to 15. Obviously HAM pictures may well generate some bizarre displays.

Experiment with the directional arrows, and then click anywhere in the graphic output window with the left mouse button. This returns to the original program display for as long as the button remains pressed, and is a useful feature to-remind you of exactly what is on the screen you are dealing with.

The Program Listing Window
This window gives you a view of the current program listing. Any items to be examined can be marked out, but nothing in this window can be changed. Once the Monitor has been initialised, helpful markers will be shown in the program listing, acting as reminders for the following points:

The Information Window
This is where all of the Monitor information appears. It commences by displaying the next instruction to be examined, but as more of the Monitor features become active, information is displayed in the following order, from top to bottom in this window:

Changing the window displays
Scroll bars are provided to move the display of the program listing, vertically and horizontally in the Program Listing Window. The "centre" button at the top right-hand corner of this window is used to centre the display on the next instruction to be executed. A vertical scroll bar is also available for the Information Window.

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