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AMOS Errors

Editor command not runnable
ASK EDITOR and CALL EDITOR can only be used by EDITOR ACCESSORIES. These are normal programs with a SET EDITOR command at the start.

Editor function not found
You've used an incorrect function number in an ASK EDITOR or CALL EDITOR command.

Error in previous program
There was a problem with the accessory program you've called up with PRUN, or accessed from the USER MENU. If possible, bring up the listing on the screen, and try running the program again from an editor window. You should spot the error immediately.

Line too long
You've tried to enter a line into the editor which is longer than the maximum of 251 characters. If possible, split the line into a number of smaller pieces.

Mark not defined
This error is generated using the [Goto] system mark and [Goto] user mark from the [Editor] menu. You are only allowed to jump to a mark if it's been previously defined from the editor. User marks are created by you, but System marks are generated automatically whenever you move through an AMOS program listing. However, if you call them straight after a program has been loaded, you can still get this error.

No errors
No errors have been detected in the current program during the testing process.

No macros defined
If you try to clear macros when there are none set-up this message will be displayed.

No more Redo
You've run out of things to redo. You can only redo lines which have been previously recalled by the UNDO command. So every REDO matches exactly one UNDO operation.

No more Undo
You've reached the end of the stored key presses used by the undo option. If you've got enough memory, AMOS Professional will happily allow you to undo the entire editing session a character at a time.

Not a procedure
You are trying to use the [Procedure Open/Close] options, but the text cursor is not positioned over a procedure.

Not an AMOS program
You've attempted to load the wrong sort of program into the Editor. AMOS Professional is compatible with all versions of AMOS and Easy AMOS. But you can't load .AMOS format compiled programs created from the original AMOS Compiler.

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