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AMOS Errors

Program errors
There is no need to wait until your programs are executed before any errors become obvious. By making use of the [Test] option, an automatic check is made of all the instructions in your current program while you are still editing. The following messages may also appear when a program is [Run].

Array already dimensioned
You are trying to dimension an array that has already been dimensioned in the current program.

Array not dimensioned
You must first give an array a dimension before it can be specified in an expression.

Can't open narrator
The file "narrator.device" cannot be found in the current "devs:" directory.

This instruction must be alone on a line
You must place a DATA statement at the very beginning of a line. The only exception to this rule is when you define a LABEL.

DO without LOOP
A DO structure has been located without a corresponding LOOP command to end it.

ELSE without ENDIF
You have forgotten to end an IF test with its ENDIF command.

ELSE without IF
An ELSE command must be preceded by an IF command.

ENDIF without IF
An ENDIF command has been found without an IF statement for it to refer back to.

Extension not loaded
You are trying to run a program that makes use of one or more new commands that are held in an extension file. Make sure that the appropriate extensions are installed on your boot disc and that the extensions have been selected from the [Set Interpreter] menu option.

FOR without matching NEXT
You are trying to use a FOR command, but have forgotten to follow it with a NEXT statement.

IF without ENDIF
A structured IF test must be ended by a single ENDIF statement. This sort of IF test is totally different from an IF ... THEN command.

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