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AMOS Errors

Amal bank not reserved (116)
You've tried to use an Amal PLay command in a program without defining a movement pattern in the AMAL Bank. These banks are created with the AMAL Accessory program. If you're not actually using PLay, check that you've correctly separated any Pause or Let instructions in your AMAL program.

Animation string too long (113)
Your current AMAL program is too long, the maximum number of bytes is 65536. You may split your program into several smaller sections, and it is possible to animate the same object using several AMAL channels.

AREXX device not interactive (199)
This error is reported back by AREXX. We don't know what it means so write to Commodore!

Arexx library not found (194)
You've attempted to use the AREXX commands on a system on which it hasn't been installed. The AREXX library is held in the "rexxsyslib.library" and should be normally available from the LIBS directory of your Workbench disc. Note; AREXX is provided free with Workbench 2, but other users will need to purchase it separately.

Arexx message not answered (198)
You've received a message from an external AREXX program and you haven't answered back. You must answer all messages at once otherwise the sending program will be hanging around waiting for your answer.

Arexx port already opened (193)
You've tried to open the same AREXX port twice using AREXX OPEN.

Arexx port not opened (196)
You've attempted to use the AREXX ANSWER, =AREXX, or AREXX WAIT commands without first opening up a communications channel with AREXX OPEN.

Array already dimensioned (28)
You have tried to dimension the same array more than once in the same program.

Autotest already opened (111)
An illegal AMAL autotest has been defined inside an existing autotest command.

Bad IFF format (30)
You are attempting to use LOAD I FF to load a file in the wrong format. LOAD I FF can only load IFF screens into memory and not general purpose IFF files.

Bad parameter (149)
You've made a mistake when setting up the serial port with SERIAL SPEED, SERIAL BITS, SERIAL PARITY, or SERIAL X. Check your current set up.

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