Try using this option now.
Delete Object
This will erase the highlighted Object completely, so take care when using it. As a safety
measure, AMOS Professional will not be happy about deleting any Object that is not
currently displayed on screen, and even then it will ask you to confirm your wishes. Use
it now, and delete an Object.
This is an even more dramatic option than [Delete Object], because it erases all the
Object images in the entire memory bank. As usual, you will be asked to make sure of
your actions before you commit them. If you use the [New] option now, you will have to
load another bank before you can continue experimenting with Object images.
This option is enabled and disabled by clicking the mouse pointer over it, toggling it in
and out like a radio button. It affects the [AUTO-GET] feature, which automatically
places data into the memory bank by clicking twice on a stored Object image.
You may want to use this option to avoid accidentally grabbing hold of some garbage,
preventing it being automatically placed amongst your Objects.
While editing Object images, there are times when AMOS Professional tries to be helpful
by asking you to confirm your actions. For example, when you try to [ERASE] an Object
or use the [PUT TO] option. If these reminders cause any annoyance, you can click on
this icon to disable the Confirmation feature. To reactivate it, simply click on the icon again.
The Grabber
Once you are familiar with all of the Bank Operations, you can move on to the next
Major Option. The Grabber is used to grab images from IFF pictures, which are graphic
screen images saved in the special "Interchangeable File Format", as used by commercial
graphics packages like Deluxe Paint.
Grab Object
When this option is selected, you will be reminded to load an IFF file only, and a
suitable ready-made picture is provided for loading in the following file:
The file requester will only appear if there is no picture currently selected. When you have confirmed your choice with an [OK], the selected IFF picture is displayed on screen. As you move the mouse, coordinate lines will follow your movements. Position the mouse pointer at the top left-hand corner of the part of the picture you want to use as an Object image, then using the left button, keep it held down until you have chosen the bottom right-hand corner of the image. If you make a mistake, click on the right button.