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the Object Editor

Vertical flip button One click will cause an instant flip over the vertical axis of the Object image, and another click will flip it again. This technique works equally well on graphic blocks.

Horizontal flip button This is very similar to the last option, and reverses the image around its own horizontal axis.

Rotate button This is used to rotate the entire Object image through ninety degrees clockwise. It takes a few seconds to compute the new image, and can be used again to keep the rotation going, all the way back to the original image.

The next pair of options is provided to help you get a better view of your work.

Grab button If an image is too large to fit inside the Edit Window, select this icon and then use the mouse to drag the image into view.

Zoom button Click on this icon to double the size of the graphics in the Zoom Window to four times the size of the original image. Click it again to return to an image twice the size of the original. Remember that the relative sizes of the Zoom and Edit Screens can be adjusted by dragging the central Screen Sizer bar to suit your needs.

The final group of three options each perform general tasks.

Framework button Every click on this icon selects the next colour in the palette for use with the framework graphics of the Edit Screen.

Mode button This up/down toggle sets the mode for certain drawing operations. Up gives Mode I, where an Object is drawn as soon as you release a mouse button. Down selects Mode 2, where you set the shape of a brush before using it for drawing.

Undo button This is the fail-safe icon, allowing you to scrap the last drawing procedure, or cancel a [CLEAR] operation.

Pressing the [Spacebar] key will select the last drawing tool that was used. This is a short-cut, allowing you to re-use an item without the need to go through the menu process.

Memory Alerts
Because Objects can nibble away at available memory, and because graphic screens consume large amounts, a low-memory alert system is built into the Object Editor. These alert messages will appear to help you automatically.

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