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the Menu Editor

[Load a menu]
After the File Selector appears, the selected menu file can be loaded from disc. This file must have been defined in a sequential .MENU file, using the [Save current menu] option explained next. Once the menu has been loaded successfully, the program will proceed straight to the Main Editor Screen.

[Save current menu]
The File Selector is called, and an entire menu definition can be saved in a sequential .MENU file, ready for loading. If you prefer to access the menu directly from an AMOS Professional program, use the [Save menu bank] option instead.

[Quit and grab bank]
This option will leave the Menu Editor and return you to the main AMOS Professional Editor. If the Menu Editor is being run as an accessory, the new menu bank will be installed automatically, and the newly created menu can now be accessed directly from the current program.

This also exits to the AMOS Professional main program, but be warned, this option completely erases the new menu definition!

The Main Edit Screen
The Edit Screen is divided into three areas.

Vertical scroll bar
At the left-hand side of the screen there is a vertical bar, equipped with a pair of up and down arrows. This is used to scroll through very large menu definitions which exceed the dimensions of the Editor Window display.

The Editor Menu
At the bottom of the screen, all of the Editor Menu options are displayed, and these are explained below.

Editor Window
The top section of the Main Edit Screen is where the menu that is currently being edited is displayed. Each item in the menu is represented as a small box with a number in it, and these boxes are organised as follows:

All items in a single level of the menu are arranged in one vertical column. The first column on the left represents the title line of the menu, and the second column shows the various items of that menu.

Each item is numbered according to its position in the menu hierarchy. For example, the second menu option of title number 1 would be represented by a box numbered 1.2. This simple system means that you are able to read the entire structure of a menu at a single glance.

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