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the Menu Editor

After the menu has been edited, it may be tested by pressing the right mouse button. If items are moveable, they can be repositioned freely, using the mouse New positions are retained until an item is deleted in the current branch, or the [Reset menu position] option is chosen. In this case, the menu will be initialised all over again.

[Add item]
This option adds a new item at the end of the current menu. As a default, the new item is assigned to the text string "EMPTY". This default status can be changed using one of many options from the Draw menu, which appears below.

[Ins item]
Use this option to insert a new menu item at the current cursor position.

This is used to create a menu branch at the current cursor position, and add a new item to this branch.

This simple option erases the selected item from the menu.

[Reset menu position]
When this option is selected, the coordinates of all items belonging to the current menu branch are re-set to their default positions. The message "All offsets erased!" confirms that this has been done.

Draw menu
This menu is extremely important. It provides the gateway to the powerful Item Drawing Screen, which is where individual menu items are designed. When any one of the four options is selected, the Item Drawing Screen is called, so if you are simply exploring these options, you can click on the [previous menu] option at the bottom right-hand corner of the Item Drawing Screen to get back to this Draw menu.

This option ensures that an item in the menu will have a normal appearance setting. [Highlighted] When this option is chosen, the shape of the displayed item will be highlighted if it is selected with the mouse.

After this option is triggered, an Object can be drawn which will be displayed if a selected item has been de-activated by a MENU INACTIVE command.

Use this option to specify the background to be drawn behind the current item.

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