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Memory Bank Structures

For example:

X> Bank Swap 1,10: Rem Swap over banks 10 and 1, bank 10 is the new Sprite bank

Free For_Future
This bank is reserved for the future expansion of AMOS Professional. Use it at your peril!

This holds the name of a bank. The name is simply a string of eight characters poked into memory, and it can be changed or altered at will. This makes it easy to create your own bank types for home-grown accessories. Note that only printable characters should be used, with Ascii codes greater than 32.

This is the address returned by the START function, and indicates the beginning of the actual data.

These are the backbone of many AMOS Professional programs, and are used to hold a variety of types of information. They may be stored either in memory or on disc, as follows:

Work Banks and Data Banks stored in memory

Header    dc.l  Next_Bank                 Start-24
          dc.l  Length_Of_Bank + 16       Start-20
          dc.l  Number_Of_The_Bank        Start-16
          dc.w  Flag                      Start-12 (2=Chip Work or 0=Fast Work)
          dc.w  Free_For_Future           Start-10 (Do not touch!)
          dc.b  "Work  "                  Start-8
*         Data goes here
          ds.b  Length_Of_Bank

Header    dc.l  Next_Bank                 Start-24 
          dc.l  Length_Of_Bank + 16       Start-20
          dc.l  Number_Of_The Bank        Start-16
          dc.w  Flag                      Start-12 (3=Chip Data or 1=Fast Data)
          dc.w  Free_For_Future           Start-10 (Do not touch!)
          dc.b  "Data  "                  Start-8
Start                                     Returned by START function
*         Data goes here
          ds.b  Length_Of_Bank            Returned by LENGTH function
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