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Memory Bank Structures

Pkdy       dc.w   y
* Width of the bitmap in bytes (number of pixels/8)
Pktx       dc.w   width/8
* Height of the bitmap in blocks
Pkty       dc.w   height_in_y
* Height of each individual packing block
Pktcar     dc.w   height_in_lines
* The total height of the picture can be found by multiplying Pkty by Pktcar
* Number of colour planes
Pkplan     dc.w   planes
* Pointer to next data list
PkDatas2   dc.l   next_data
* Pointer to next data pointer
PkPoint2   dc.l   next_pointer
* the packed data goes here!

Finally, a packed screen created with the SPACK instruction is examined. This is identical to the previous version, except for some extra information that comes before the header, as follows:

PsCode    dc.l   $12031990        Code for a packed screen
PsTx      dc.w   Width            Width of the screen
PsTy      dc.w   Height           Height of the screen 
PsAWx     dc.w   Hard_X           X coordinate of screen in hardware format
PsAWy     dc.w   Hard_Y           Vertical position of screen
PsAWTx    dc.w   Display_Width    Width of screen to area to be displayed
PsAWTy    dc.w   Display_Height   Display Height (set by SCREEN DISPLAY)
PsAVx     dc.w   X_Offset         As set by SCREEN OFFSET
PsAVy     dc.w   Y_Offset         Coordinate of first line to be displayed
PsCon0    dc.w   mode             BPLCON0
PsNbCol   dc.w   cols             Number of colours      
PsNPlan   dc.w   planes           Number of bitplanes
PsPal     dcb.w  32               Holds the colour palette
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