Amos Professional Manual  Contents  Index

Getting Started

That juvenile program will wait in the Edit Window, until you tell AMOS Professional to "run" it. To run a program, call up the list of Menu headings by holding down the right mouse button, move the mouse pointer to the [Project] title, highlight the [Run] option and release the right mouse button.

Alternatively, use a simple keyboard short-cut for running a program, which is to press the [Fl] key. Either way, the Edit Screen will be flicked out of view, and the result of the program will be displayed on screen. In this case, the result of two plus two will be printed on screen as "4".

There are several ways to return to the Edit Screen when a program is running. There are special commands that can be included in the program for an automatic return, which will be explained in future Chapters, or you can break into a program by pressing the [Ctrl]+[C] keys together, and then press the [Return] key.

If an audio system is connected to your Amiga, add the following lines to your program, so that it now looks like this:

E>Print 2+2
  Wait 100
  Wait 200
  Print "Good-bye"
  Wait 50

Now press [Fl] to run that program. You should already be aware that using AMOS Professional is a very friendly method of communicating with your Amiga.

Direct Mode
So far, you have been programming your Amiga in the AMOS Professional Edit Mode, but when you are working on a program professionally you will often want to conduct an instant experiment, or call up an AMOS Professional feature without interfering with your current task. There is a very powerful Direct Mode provided for this purpose, which works completely independently from the Edit Mode. To jump to Direct Mode now, use the mouse to click on the [Arrow] button in the top left-hand corner of the Edit Screen, or alternatively press the [Esc] key at the top left-hand corner of your keyboard.

The Direct Mode screen is flicked into view over the Default Screen, and it can be repositioned to reveal the contents of the Default Screen behind it, by clicking on the [DIRECT] panel in the line of control buttons with the left mouse button, and dragging the Direct Mode screen up and down. To get back to the Edit Screen, press the [Esc] key again, or click on the [Arrow] button at the top left of the Direct mode "window".

There is a highlighted prompt in the Direct Mode window, waiting for your instructions to be typed in and displayed next to it. After they have been typed in, these instructions will be obeyed as soon as the [Return] key is pressed, without interfering with the program that is

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