A number of features are provided to save vital data to disc automatically before you quit AMOS Professional, and these are explained near the end of this Chapter in the [Config] Main menu section.
This menu provides all of the options that are used to manipulate program listings, and existing AMOS and Easy AMOS users will find some familiar commands here.
[Run] or [F1]
This runs the AMOS Professional program that is in the active window.
[Test] or [F2]
This triggers a check through your program listing, searching for any syntax errors. If a
problem is encountered, a report is given on the screen.
[Indent] or [F3]
Use the automatic indentation system to make program listings easier to read. Extra spaces
are added at the beginning of all lines that belong to particular sorts of routines, and
similar indenting is shown throughout the example programs printed in this User Guide.
[Monitor] or [F4]
See how your programs run and operate under the AMOS Professional Monitor. Chapter 12.1
explains all the monitor's operations in details.
[Open New] or [Amiga]+[Shift]+[W]
This is used to open a completely new window on the editor screen.
[Open & Load] or [Amiga]+[Shift]+[L]
This is a fast method of loading a program directly into a new window. After it opens the
window, the program is loaded via a standard File Selector.
[Load] or [Amiga]+[L]
This will load a program into the current window, and any existing contents of this window
will be completely erased. If the new program is larger than the available editor buffer space,
the following dialogue box appears on screen:
Text Buffer too small. Adapt size?
If you click on the [YES] response, the size of the buffer will be set to the absolute minimum needed to hold the program, and it should only be used if you do not intend to make any further changes, because the buffer will be filled to capacity.
By selecting [NO], the [Set Text Buffer] option will be called from the [Editor] main menu, allowing you to expand the buffer to any required value.
[Save] or [Amiga]+[S]
This option is used to save your AMOS Professional program to disc. If there is no
existing filename for the program, a request is made to enter a new name via a standard File
Selector. If the name already exists, the program will be copied into the original file