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the Bare Bones

Never run a program that is still being edited with BREAK OFF activated, or you will lose your work. Make a back-up copy first. Here are two examples, and if you insist on ignoring this advice, you may be foolhardy enough to try the second one!

E> Break Off
   Print "Try and press the Break keys now"
   Wait 500
   Break On
   Print "Break keys activated"
   Wait 100

E> Break Off
    Print "Get out of that!"
    Wait Key

instruction: go to Workbench

To close AMOS Professional altogether, and go to the Workbench, the System command can be given from within a program, or from the Editor. The Direct Mode pre-set icon, is explained in Chapter 4.1, or simply press [Shift]+[F10].

D> Print "Au revoir AMOS"

Separating commands in a line
So far in this Chapter, individual instructions have been separated from one another by typing them in and pressing the [Return] key to enter them on a new line of the program. In fact, the AMOS Professional programmer will often want to place groups of related commands together on the same line of the program. This is achieved by separating your instructions with a colon character.

AMOS Professional makes typing in instructions as simple as possible, and you will not normally have to worry about typing in correct spacings, as long as you stick to the rules. When a colon is used to split up commands, command words are recognised and given a capital letter and a space automatically.

This can be proved by typing in the next example exactly as it appears below, and hitting the Return] key:

E> Print"I'm so":wait key:print"neat!"
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