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In this case, the text held in the string will start at the current text cursor position. Border numbers can range from 1 to 16, for example:

E> Locate 1,1: Print Border$("AMOS Professional",2)

The control sequence returned by BORDER has the following format:


instruction: scroll text horizontally
Hscroll number

This command scrolls all text in the current open window horizontally, by a single character position. The following numbers can be used:

Number Effect
1      Scroll current line to the left
2      Scroll entire screen to the left
3      Scroll current line to the right
4      Scroll entire screen to the right

instruction: scroll text vertical
Vscroll number

Similarly to HSCROLL, the values given to this command result in different vertical scrolling effects, one character at a time.

Number Effect
1      Scroll down text on and below current cursor Line
2      Scroll down text from top of screen to current cursor line only
3      Scroll up text from top of screen to current cursor line only
4      Scroll up text on or below current cursor line

Note that blank lines are inserted to fill any gaps left by these scrolling operations.

Advanced printing
The AMOS Professional programmer is not restricted to the standard PRINT command for displaying information.

instruction: print

The question mark character (?) can be used instead of PRINT as a keyboard short-cut.

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