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embedded command: set font style
SStyle bit-pattern

SStyle sets the style of the "Current font to the selected bit-pattern. In the following table, a setting of 1 will have the listed effect, whereas a setting of zero will have no effect:

Bit    Effect
0      underline
1      bold
2      italic

embedded command: draw a line
LIne x,y

LIne draws a line from the current cursor position to the graphics coordinates x,y.

embedded command: set line pattern
SLine pattern

SLine sets the line style to be used in all subsequent LIne commands to the selected bit-pattern. Because there is no evaluation of expressions, the bit-pattern must be converted into decimal notation before use.

embedded command: draw a bar
BAr x,y

BAr draws a rectangular bar from the current cursor coordinates to x,y.

embedded command: draw a pattern
PAttern number

PAttern changes the fill pattern used by the BAr command to the numbered style.

embedded command: enclose a bar with an outline
OUtline value

OUtline draws a border in the current outline colour (set to ink colour 3) around all subsequent bars. A value of 1 activates the border and a value of 0 removes it.

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