Problem: Whenever the distance between my computed Sprites exceeds about half the screen,
the lower ones vanish.
Remedy: Although hardware Sprites can be a maximum of 270 units high, the default setting is
128. Increase the height using SET SPRITE BUFFER by placing the following line at the start of
your program:
Set Sprite Buffer 256
Problem: How do I display 15-colour Sprites on a 32 or 64-colour screen?
Remedy: Create your images in 32-colour mode, and draw your Sprites using colour numbers 16
to 31. When these images are loaded into your program, the Sprites will be displayed correctly.
Problem: When I try to move Sprites with AMAL, some of the objects disappear at random.
Remedy: The total width of your Sprites exceeds the maximum of 64. You should read the User
Guide more thoroughly! Replace some of your larger Sprites with Bobs to free up as many
component hardware Sprites as possible. Alternatively, reduce the total number of Sprites on
the screen and try using a small number of fast objects instead of a large number of slower ones.
Problem: When I move the screen with SCREEN OFFSET and SCREEN DISPLAY, my Sprites go
most peculiar.
Remedy: There is a hardware confrontation between the Sprite system and the Display system,
probably because AMOS Professional is stretching your Amiga to its absolute limits! Reduce the
load on the system as follows. At the start of your program, just after the SET SPRITE BUFFER
command, define hardware Sprites 6 and 7 using the SPRITE command. Now assign these
Sprites to negative coordinates, and position them off the screen. It is now impossible to use
them for computed Sprites, and if they are never displayed on the screen during your scrolling
operations, your problem is solved.