Problem: Can I reverse an image for later use, without displaying it on screen?
Remedy: Yes. PASTE BOB works perfectly with flipped images, and can be used directly with
HREV, VREV and REV. If you want to reverse an image quickly, without displaying a Bob, try
something like this:
X> Paste Bob 500,500,Vrev(1)
Since the coordinates lie outside of the current screen area, the image is not displayed, but it is still flipped by the PASTE BOB command.
Problem: I want to flip my Sprites as well as my Bobs?
Remedy: The flip functions do not work with Sprites directly, but there is no problem in
displaying a flipped Bob image as a Sprite. This line would be completely ignored:
X> Sprite 8,300,100,Hrev(5)
But the following routine will solve your problem:
E> Load "AMOSPro_Tutorial:Objects/Sprites.abk" Curs Off : Cls 0 : Flash Off : Get Sprite Palette Paste Bob 50,50,Vrev(5) Sprite 8,300,100,5 Wait Vbl
Problem: Can I check for a collision between two copies of the same image, for example,
between an original image and its own mirror-image?
Remedy: Yes, but it is not recommended. If the image's hot spot has been centred the results
should be acceptable, but if the hot spot is asymmetrical you will generate unpredictable