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Playing Music Modules

As with Tracker modules, AMOS Professional sound samples can be played while Med modules are active. When a sound effect is triggered, any Med music will be stopped on all four voices, and will start again as soon as the sample has been played.

instruction: play a Med module
Med Play
Med Play bank number,song number

This instruction plays the specified currently loaded Med module. If no bank number parameter is given, the data in the last appropriate bank to be loaded will be played. Med modules can include more than one song, and an individual melody can be specified by including the song number to be played, as follows:

X> Med Play 2
   Med Play ,2
   Med Play 2,2

instruction: stop the current Med module
Med Stop

This simple instruction halts the current Med song being played. The song can now be started from the beginning with a new call to MED PLAY, or continued using a MED CONT command.

instruction: continue a Med module
Med Cont

This command is used to re-commence a Med module that has been halted by a MED STOP instruction. The song will continue from the exact point at which it was stopped.

instruction: access MIDI instructions in a Med module
Med Midi On

MIDI is the international standard by which musical instruments talk to one another and stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. If the Med module contains MIDI instructions for controlling keyboards, drum machines and so on, the MED MIDI ON command must be given before the first MED LOAD command, in other words, before the "Medplayer.library" file is opened.

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