Can now be Downloaded on private request

here's some of the Readme file;
The first release of my Bloodwych dungeon editor.
A stop/start project which has been gutted and restarted more times than I
care to remember. This can be used for general cheating or to create an
entirely new set of dungeons for Bloodwych.
Coded entirely by Dom Cresswell (Hungry Horace) in AMOS Professional -
2006-2009. As such, all Paypal donations are welcome!
Currently supports only one version of the Bloodwych binary / executable -
as found in SPS 102.
Allows for editing of; Level Sizes, Map Data, Wall Scrolls, Teleport Gems,
Event Triggers, Switches, Objects, Champion's Stats / Pockets, Monsters.
The edited binary can then be run using the WHDload slave, using the
CUSTOM= tooltype.
For feedback and discussion of this editor, and to discuss edited binaries
that have been made, please visit and sign up
Dedicated to the loving memory of Wendy Cresswell - 1944-2009, who always
tolerated myself and my brothers playing Bloodwych for hours on end. We
will love you and miss you forever.
Thanks to:
Gid - For asking me to look into the map data all those years ago
Adam - For playing the game with me for so many hours
Dad - For putting up with the whirring sound my Mac makes when i'm running e-uae
Skateblind - For testing, feedback, ideas and listening to me rant on whilst coding the editor
Bloodwych (the guy) - For testing / feedback
FOL - for the BW dedicated webspace
Wishbone - For some tips on reading object data
Morbidus - For the original WHDload slave
Girv - For improving the WHDload slave upon my request
All Edit Modes
F1-F8 - Change Floor
< - Change Tower / Dungeon
> - Change Tower / Dungeon
Cursors Up / Down - Move Through Option
Cursors Left / Right - Change Option Value
S - Save Data
F9 - Export/Import all to/from the folder "editor/files/"
P - View Champion Locations
Q - View Quickstart Locations
M - View Monster Locations
O - View Object Locations
Map Editor
Space - Toggle Map Cursor / Location Editor
C - Copy to Clipboard
V - Paste from Clipboard
Backspace - Delete Current Location
Del- Clear Current Floor
Return - Set Coordinate for Event Location
Object Editor
- - Remove Current Stack
+ - Add Stack
Return - Set Stack to Cursor Location
1/2/3/4 - Locate a stack at Cursor Location in 1 of 4 Positions
Characters Editor
Return - Change Monster/Champion Location
Space - View Monster Detail
Layout Editor
[ - Toggle Floor Below Shadow
] - Toggle Floor Above Shadow
- Support other versions of Bloodwych
- Support Extended Levels
- Optimise the code (I know at least one way speed can be gained)
- More Advanced Import / Export Functions
- Patching of Atari / PC versions
- Allow editing of main menu
- Allow editing of anything else I can find
Copyright notice
This software is Copyright 2009 by Dominic Cresswell. All rights reserved.
Contact address
Any mail, comments or donations welcome:
Dom Cresswell
http://bloodwych.pspuae.comPaypal: horaceandthespider AT
IRC: HungryHorace on