AMCAF Extension V1.40 Manual  Index

Effects Commands

A big part of AMCAF contains graphical effects.
If you only want to have a few stars or simply want to make a logo explode or create some neat effects using shade bobs, AMCAF makes (nearly) everything possible!

Pix Shift Commands

Using these commands you can increase or decrease the colour indexes in a rectangular area.
These instructions work pixel wise and therefore makes it possible to limit the colours, and so the Pix Shift commands are slower than Shade Bobs.

instruction: copy an area of a screen to another screen
Mask Copy screen1,x1,y1,x2,y2 To screen2,x3,y3,maskaddress

Copies a part of a screen to an other, just like Screen Copy.
However, a mask bitplane can be given. 'maskaddress' represents the startaddress of the Bitplane.

instruction: increase the colour index of an area of a screen
Pix Shift Up screen,c1,c2,x1,y1 To x2,y2
Pix Shift Up screen,c1,c2,x1,y1 To x2,y2,bank

Using this command, you can increase the colour indexes in the rectangular area from x1,y1 to x2y2.
The 'screen' parameter therefore contains the number of the screen on which this regions is situated. 'c1' and 'c2' hold the border colours, which should be taken into account for the colour cycling, other colours are not affected.

If you supply the optional parameter 'bank', you can use a previously calculated mask which can be created with the Make Pix Mask command.
However, if the colour indexes override 'c2', they are set back to 'c1' again.

instruction: decrease the colour index of an area of a screen
Pix Shift Down screen,c1,c2,x1,y1 To x2,y2
Pix Shift Down screen,c1,c2,x1,y1 To x2,y2,bank

Using this command, you can decrease the colour indexes in the rectangular area from x1,y1 to x2y2.
The 'screen' parameter therefore contains the number of the screen on which this regions is situated. 'c1' and 'c2' hold the border colours, which should be taken into account for the colour cycling, other colours are not affected.

If you supply the optional parameter 'bank', you can use a previously calculated mask which can be created with the Make Pix Mask command.
However, if the colour indexes go below 'c1', they are set back to 'c2' again.

instruction: increase the colour index of an area of a screen
Pix Brighten screen,c1,c2,x1,y1 To x2,y2
Pix Brighten screen,c1,c2,x1,y1 To x2,y2,bank

Using this command, you can increase the colour indexes in the rectangular area from x1,y1 to x2y2.
The 'screen' parameter therefore contains the number of the screen on which this regions is situated. 'c1' and 'c2' hold the border colours, which should be taken into account for the colour cycling, other colours are not affected.

If you supply the optional parameter 'bank', you can use a previously calculated mask which can be created with the Make Pix Mask command.
In difference to Pix Shift Up, the colour indexes don't override 'c2'.

instruction: decrease the colour index of an area of a screen
Pix Darken screen,c1,c2,x1,y1 To x2,y2
Pix Darken screen,c1,c2,x1,y1 To x2,y2,bank

Using this command, you can decrease the colour indexes in the rectangular area from x1,y1 to x2y2.
The 'screen' parameter therefore contains the number of the screen on which this regions is situated. 'c1' and 'c2' hold the border colours, which should be taken into account for the colour cycling, other colours are not affected.

If you supply the optional parameter 'bank', you can use a previously calculated mask which can be created with the Make Pix Mask command.
In difference to Pix Shift Down, the colour indexes don't go below 'c1'.

instruction: grab an area of a screen
Make Pix Mask screen,x1,y1 To x2,y2,bank

Grabs a specific part of the screen and saves it into the bank with the number bank. This command can be used to create a mask for the Pix Shift instruction.
If you use such a mask, the size must be exactly the same like the limits you specify with the Pix Shift commands.

instruction: increase the colour value at the given point of a screen
Shade Pix x,y
Shade Pix x,y,number

This instructions increases the colour value at the given point x,y on the current screen. If the highest colour is reached, the colour is reset to zero.
The optional parameter 'number' holds the number of Bitplanes to be cycled and may range from 1 to 6.

Shade Bobs Commands

Shade Bobs aren't really bobs, but "in the scene" this is the common name for such effects. Shade Bobs increase or decrease colour values of the pixel they are placed on. This is rather similar to colour cycling, however using Shade Bobs the pixels on the screen are affected and not the palette entries!
When using Shade Bobs you cannot limit the colours to a certain range but only the amount of bitplanes that will be used to be cycled through. Additionally, Shade Bobs may leave the screen boundaries.

instruction: set image to use on shade bob
Shade Bob Mask flag

Using Shade Bob Mask you may specify, if the mask of a object or the first bitplane is to be taken for drawing.
If flag is set to zero, bitplane 0 is used for the Shade Bob Up and Shade Bob Down instructions, other values for flag instruct the commands to use the mask of the object.

instruction: set number of bitplanes to use on shade bob
Shade Bob Planes number

Set the number of Bitplanes to be cycled through. This can be used to protect the graphics in higher bitplanes from the influences of Shade Bobs.
'number' sets the number of bitplanes, that should be drawn in and must be a value between 1 and 6.

instruction: increase the colour index and draw a shade bob
Shade Bob Up screen number,x,y,image

This instruction draws a Shade Bob on the screen at the coordinates x,y. This bob only increases the colour indexes only. 'image' holds the image number of the sprite bank which should be used to draw the bob.
Either the mask or the first bitplane of the object is used for this process, according to the setting of Shade Bob Mask.
Remember, that this command supports the hot spot of the bob image.

instruction: decrease the colour index and draw a shade bob
Shade Bob Down screen number,x,y,image

This command is similar to Shade Bob Up and decreases the colour index only.

Td Stars Commands

Using these commands you not only can realize 3D star effects, because the commands are rather versatile.

instruction: reserve a bank for 3d stars
Td Stars Bank bank,stars

This instruction reserves a bank for 3D stars. The 'bank' parameter holds the number of the memory bank which should be used for the stars. 'stars' contains the number of stars to be saved in this bank.
Each star consumes 12 bytes of memory.

instruction: set the bitplanes to use for 3d stars
Td Stars Planes bitplane 1,bitplane 2

Td Stars Planes is used to specify the Bitplanes which the stars should be drawn on.
Normally, these are the bitplanes 0 and 1, but these defaults can be modified with this instruction.

instruction: limit the area of a screen to use for 3d stars
Td Stars Limit
Td Stars Limit x1,y1 To x2,y2

Limits the stars into a specific area on the screen. If no parameters are given, the full screen sizes are used.
x1,y1 and x2,y2 create a rectangular region, in which the stars will be drawn in.
These coordinates must lie WITHIN the screen dimensions, otherwise the stars could corrupt your memory.

instruction: set the starting point for 3d stars
Td Stars Origin x,y

Sets the origin, where stars start from, as soon as they have left the screen. The coordinates x,y must lie on the screen and within the drawing area, you have defined using Td Stars Limit earlier.

The Td Stars Limit instruction automatically places the origin in the middle of the specified area. Therefore, this command has to be placed after Td Stars Limit.

instruction: set the direction for 3d stars
Td Stars Gravity sx,sy

Set the direction which the stars shall drift into. 'sx' contains a value which is added each step to the horizontal speed and may be a positive number for right drift or a negative one for left movement. Same with 'sy', but this one has effect on the vertical speed.

Normally, these values are set to 0, but you could use other values in conjunction with Td Stars Accelerate to create an effect of spreading sparks.

instruction: toggle acceleration for 3d stars on or off
Td Stars Accelerate On
Td Stars Accelerate Off

Determines, if the stars are to be accelerated during the flight.

instruction: initialise the 3d stars
Td Stars Init

Initialises the stars. That means, that the stars are moved by random values to avoid that they all start in the origin.
This command should therefore be called once after all parameters have been set.

instruction: process and draw the 3d stars
Td Stars Single Do
Td Stars Double Do

Clears, draws and moves all the stars in one single step. For Double Buffered screens you have to call the command Td Stars Double Do, for normal ones Td Stars Single Do.
To manually control the draw process you have to call the commands Td Stars Single Del or Td Stars Double Del, then Td Stars Move and Td Stars Draw in this order.

instruction: delete the 3d stars from the screen
Td Stars Single Del
Td Stars Double Del

Wipes the stars from the screen. You have to distinguish between Single and Double Buffered screens. Use Td Stars Double Del on Double Buffered
Note: The background is not saved during the drawing process.

instruction: move the 3d stars on the screen
Td Stars Move
Td Stars Move star number

The Td Stars Move instruction moves all the stars by on step. To see the result, you have to draw the stars with a call to Td Stars Draw.
The second version of this command enables you to move a single star.

instruction: draw the 3d stars to the screen
Td Stars Draw

This command draws all the stars onto screen. To clear the stars again you have to use either Td Stars Single Del or Td Stars Double Del according to the screen type.

Splinters Commands

Splinters are similar to Td Stars, but they don't destroy the background and use the colour of the pixel they have removed and Splinters require a list of coordinates.
Each coordinate requires four bytes, i.e already a field of 16x16 coordinates consumes 16 KB of memory.

instruction: reserve a bank to store coords
Coords Bank bank number,coords
Coords Bank bank number

Reserves the bank to store a coordinates array. These banks are utilized e.g for Splinters. 'coords' holds the amount of coordinates the bank should be able to hold.
Each coordinate requires 4 bytes. If this parameter is omitted the existing bank will only be switched to without erasing it. So you can jump between predefined banks.

instruction: read coords into a bank
Coords Read screen,colour,x1,y1 To x2,y2,bank,mode

Read the coordinates for Splinters into a bank. The memory bank with the number 'bank' must have been defined previously with a call to the Coords Bank command.
The 'screen' parameter holds the number of the screen on which the pixels are. 'colour' represents the background colour, that will be left out when reading in the dots.
The rectangle which is described by the coordinates x1,y1 and x2,y2 will be then read in and all dots, which don't have the colour 'colour', will be stored in the bank.
'mode' can be either 0, if you want the coords to be read in strict order, or 1, if you want the coords to be shuffled.

instruction: reserve a set number of splinters into a bank
Splinters Bank bank number,splinum

Reserves a memory bank for a maximum of 'splinum' Splinters. Each Splinter requires 22 bytes of memory.

instruction: set splinter colour to use
Splinters Colour bkcolour,planes

Determines, which colour is to be left, after a Splinter has released a dot from that point. The 'planes' parameter describes the number of bitplanes to be taken for the Splinters operation.
Normally, this value should be equal to the number of available bitplanes. However, it can be useful for some effects to reduce this value.

instruction: limit splinter area on the screen
Splinters Limit
Splinters Limit x1,y1 To x2,y2

Sets the limits for the Splinters to a rectangular area on the screen. If you don't give any parameters, AMCAF uses the limits of the current screen.

instruction: change max number of splinters
Splinters Max number

Changes the max. number of new Splinters to appear on each step. Therefore a pulsing effect can be avoided.
If the number is set to 0, no more Splinters are created. When set to -1, there won't be a limit.

instruction: set the time for splinters on screen
Splinters Fuel time

This command is used to set the amount of time the Splinters move over the screen until they disappear automatically.
The 'time' parameter holds the number of steps the splinters are moved before they vanish. If you set 'time' to 0, the Splinters only disappear at the edges of the screen.

instruction: set the direction for splinters on screen
Splinters Gravity sx,sy

Set the direction which the Splinters shall drift into. 'sx' contains a value which is added each step to the horizontal speed and may be a positive number for right drift or a negative one for left movement.
Same with 'sy', but this one has effect on the vertical speed.

instruction: initialise the splinters
Splinters Init

Initialises the Splinters. They are fed with the coordinates and speeds you have specified earlier.

instruction: draw the splinters to the screen
Splinters Single Do
Splinters Double Do

Clears, draws and moves all Splinters in one single step. For Double Buffered screens you have to call the command Splinters Double Do, for normal ones Splinters Single Do.
To manually control the draw process you have to call the commands Splinters Single Del or Splinters Double Del, then Splinters Move, Splinters Back and Splinters Draw in this order.

instruction: clear the splinters from the screen
Splinters Single Del
Splinters Double Del

Clears the splinters from the screen again. As the clearing process must either wipe the pre-last pixels from the screen (when using Double Buffering), or the last pixels (with Single Buffered screens), you have to take the appropriate command for the right screen type.
The background is automatically restored.

instruction: move the splinters on the screen
Splinters Move

This command moves the Splinters one step.

instruction: draw the splinters onto the screen
Splinters Draw

Draws the Splinters onto the screen.

instruction: save the background for next splinter draw operation
Splinters Back

Saves the background, on which the Splinters are to be drawn in the next step.

Splinters Functions

function: count the number of pixels in an area
number=Count Pixels(screen number,colour,x1,y1 To x2,y2)

This function returns the number of pixels in the rectangular area from x1,y1 to x2,y2 in the screen, that don't have the colour index colour.
This function can be used to first acquire the number of points in this area and then to reserve a coordinates bank.

function: return the number of active splinters
number=Splinters Active

This function returns the number of active Splinters at this time. This can be used to know when the animation has finished.