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AMOS Errors

You should tag the number of the destination screen to the LOAD IFF command like this:

X> Load Iff "filename", number

Can't open narrator (185)
AMOS Professional is unable to find "narrator.device" in the current "devs:" directory, so the narrator program cannot be loaded.

Can't resume to a label (4)
You cannot use RESUME label inside an error procedure.

Can't set dual playfield (70)
The screens you are using are not suitable for setting up a dual playfield. The correct screen combinations are explained under the DUAL PLAYFIELD section of this User Guide.

Command not supported by device (143)
This error is returned by the DEV DO and DEV SEND commands. A command has been sent that is not supported. Check with Commodore's documentation.

Copper list too long (77)
The user-defined copper list has a pre-set limit of 12k. This may be extended using the [Set Interpreter] option from the [Config] menu.

Copper not disabled (76)
You are not allowed to use the COP MOVE or COP SWAP commands before disabling the normal copper list with COPPER OFF.

Device already opened (140)
You've tried to open the same device twice. The PRINTER and PARALLEL devices can only be opened once in any particular session. If you're using multi-tasking, check that another application hasn't grabbed the device first. If so, you'll have to quit from the application before running your AMOS program.

Device cannot be opened (142)
The selected device cannot be opened for use. Make sure that it's correctly connected, and that the appropriate device drivers are available from the DEVS folder of your current start-up disc.

Device error (144)
A device has reported a device specific error. AMOS Professional cannot keep all possible errors in memory so check with Commodore documentation for the correct error meaning.

Device not available (86)
You have specified a disc or a drive, but your Amiga does not believe that it exists, possibly because you have changed a disc unexpectedly. You can set the directory to the correct drive name with an instruction such as:

X> Dir$="Df0:"
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