Device not opened (141)
You've called a printer, parallel, or serial command without previously opening a channel with
Directory not empty (85)
You can only erase directories when all the files held within them have been deleted by the KILL
Directory not found (80)
The required directory cannot be found on the current disc. List the current disc and check its
Disc error (101)
There's a problem with a disc you're trying to access from one of your disc operations, or with
the AMOS Professional file selector. Try removing the disc and re-inserting it. This clears up
most problems. If you still can't get the disc to work after a couple of attempts, there may be a
problem with your disc. You may need to use the DISCDOCTOR program on your Workbench
disc. DISCDOCTOR should only be used as a last resort, but it's quite good at salvaging dead
Disc full (88)
There is not enough space on your current disc to hold your data.
Disc is not validated (83)
This message is likely to be generated when your Amiga is unable to come to terms with a
perfectly valid disc. Try again. If the problem persists, you may have to resort to the DISC
DOCTOR program, which is on the standard Workbench disc.
Disc is write protected (84)
The disc's write protection tab is "on". To save your data on the current disc, remove it, slide the
write protection tab to the "off" position and try again. Alternatively, use another disc.
Division by zero (20)
You are trying to divide a number by zero, and this is impossible.
End of file (100)
The end of the current file has been reached unexpectedly, while the disc is being accessed. You
should use the EOF function to test for this condition from inside your program.
End of program (10)
This information message is given after AMOS Professional has executed the last instruction in
your program.
Error not resumed (3)
You have come out of an error-handling routine, but forgotten to reset the error using
Error procedure must RESUME to end (8)
You may not exit from an error-handling procedure using END PROC.
Use one of the special RESUME commands instead.