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AMOS Errors

File already exists (76)
You cannot RENAME a file with the same name already belonging to another file or directory on your current disc.

File already opened (96)
You cannot OPEN or APPEND a file that is already open.

File format not recognised (95)
The LOAD command can only be used to load AMOS Professional program and bank files from disc. Use BLOAD for files stored in standard Amiga format. Use LOAD IFF for Iff screens.

File is protected against deletion (89)
There is an Amiga security command to stop accidental erasure of important system files. This is the PROTECT command, available from the CLI or Workbench. You have probably tried to KILL one of these protected files.

File is protected against reading (91)
You have requested a file that has been protected from unauthorised examination. The PROTECT command is available from the CLI or Workbench, and is explained in the Amiga User's Guide that you ignored when you unpacked your computer!

File is write protected (90)
You are trying to change a file that has been locked with the PROTECT security command from AmigaDos.

File not found (81)
You have tried to call up a file or directory that does not exist.

File not opened (97)
You must use an instruction like OPEN IN, OPEN OUT or APPEND to open access to a file, before you can use it to transfer data.

File type mismatch (98)
You have used a command that is not allowed with the current file. For example, GET and PUT will not work with sequential files.

Flash declaration error (52)
There is a mistake in the animation string that defines a FLASH colour sequence.

Font not available (44)
SET FONT couldn't find the font number you've specified in the instruction. These fonts should be available from the FONTS: directory of your current start-up disc.

Fonts not examined (37)
You must first create a list of available fonts using GET FONTS before you can use the SET FONT command.

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