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the AMAL Editor

These AMAL Editor commands are similar to their AMOS Professional equivalents, except for the fact that they have been simplified to save memory. Here is a full list of commands that can be used by the AMAL Editor system:

AMAL Environment Command     Notes
'                            REM, used at the start of a line
SCREEN OPEN                  same as AMOS Professional
SCREEN DISPLAY               same as AMOS Professional
SCREEN OFFSET                same as AMOS Professional
SCREEN                       same as AMOS Professional
SCREEN CLOSE                 close all screens
SCREEN CLONE                 same as AMOS Professional
DOUBLE BUFFER                same as AMOS Professional
DUAL PLAY FIELD              same as AMOS Professional
DUAL PRIORITY                same as AMOS Professional
LOAD IFF "filename",screen   the screen number MUST be given
LOAD "filename",bank         the bank number MUST be given
ERASE bank                   same as AMOS Professional
HIDE ON                      same as AMOS Professional
UPDATE EVERY                 same as AMOS Professional
FLASH                        same as AMOS Professional
FLASH OFF                    same as AMOS Professional
SET RAINBOW                  same as AMOS Professional
RAINBOW                      same as AMOS Professional
RAINBOW DEL                  delete any RAINBOW effects
BOB                          same as AMOS Professional
SET BOB                      same as AMOS Professional
BOB OFF                      remove all Bobs from screen
SPRITE                       same as AMOS Professional
SPRITE OFF                   remove all Sprites from screen
SET SPRITE BUFFER            same as AMOS Professional
SET REG number,value         set AMAL register A to Z or 0 to 25
CHANNEL TO SPRITE channel,Sprite
CHANNEL TO BOB channel,Bob
CHANNEL TO RAINBOW channel,rainbow
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