A range of useful Test instructions is available, and they all use the same general syntax, as follows:
INSTRUCTION condition : list of statements
The statements after the condition will only be executed if the condition is True, otherwise the following commands will be completely ignored and the program will jump directly to the next line of this Environment routine:
AMAL Environment Command Notes IF SCREEN number True if the screen has been opened IF NOT SCREEN number True if the screen is currently closed IF BANK number True if the bank has been reserved IF NOT BANK number True if the bank is not reserved IF REG number,value True if Reg A to Z or 0 to 25 equals value
To get you started, type in these texts:
E> Screen Open 0,320,200,16,Lowres Double Buffer Load "AMOSPro_Tutorial:Objects/Bobs.Abk",1 Channel To Bob 0,1 Screen 0 Bob 1,100,100,1 AMAL Channel 0 Let X=0; Let Y=0; L: Let X=X+1; Let Y=Y+1; Pause; Jump;