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Memory Bank Structures

* For NN=1 To the Number of Recordings
Moves    dc.w      Number_Of_Movements
* Pointers to the list of X coordinates
         REPT      Number_Of_Movements
            dc.w   (XMove_NN-Moves)/2              Offset to the X coordinates /2
                                                   Or zero if they are not defined
* Location of the Y coordinates
         REPT      Number_Of_Movements
            dc.w   (YMove_NN-Moves)/2              Offset to Y coordinates /2
                                                   Or zero if they are not defined
* Stores an eight byte name for each movement table
         REPT      Number_Of_Movements
            dc.b "MoveName"   8 Bytes per move
* Finally here are the movement definitions themselves
         REPT      Number_Of_Movements
XMove_NN    dc.w    Speed                          Recording speed in 1/50 sec
            dc.w    Length_Of_X_Move               Length of table in Bytes
            dcb.b   ... XMove definition ...
            dcb.b   ... YMove definition ...

The movements are stored in the following way. The movement table uses the same format for both X and Y coordinates. It begins and ends with a value of zero, which terminates the list equally well if the movement is being played forwards or backwards.

%00000000    End of the move

%0ddddddd    ddddddd holds the distance to be moved in pixels,
             signed on 7 bits (-128 to +128)
             This distance will be added to the current object
             coordinate to get the new screen position
%1wwwwwww    specifies the number of
             1/50 counts to wait until the next

The AMAL programs
AMAL command strings are stored in normal Ascii format.

Progs   dc.w      Number_Of_Programs        Holds the number of AMAL programs
* Offset list
        REPT      Number_Of_Programs
           dc.w (Prog_NN-Progs)/2           Distance to the NN'th program
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