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Memory Bank Structures

                                                   measured in WORDS
* Programs
         REPT      Number_Of_Programs
Prog_NN     dc.w Length Of Prog_NN
            dc.b "The program in plain Ascii"

The Resource bank is used to hold all the control buttons and icons used by the AMOS Professional INTERFACE commands. The Resource bank is split into three main sections. There is one area for the button definitions, another for the command strings and a third for messages.

        dc.b   "Resource"
Start   dc.l   Images-Start         * Offset to the compressed images (optional)
        dc.l   Texts-Start          * Offset to the message list (optional)
        dc.l   DBL-Start            * Offset to the Interface program (optional)
        dc.l   0                    * Reserved for future expansion
* The compressed images go here
* These are used by the UNpack, Line and BOx commands from the Interface
Images  dc.w   Number_Of_Images     Holds the number of parts
        REPT   Number_Of_Images
           dc.l   Image_NN-Images   Offset to the start of each part
* We now enter full details of the screen from which the images were grabbed
        dc.w   Number_Of_Colours
        dc.w   Graphic_Mode         In the same format as SCREEN OPEN
                                    (Lowres, Hires, Laced)
        ds.w   32                   Holds the colour palette for the images
        dc.w   Length_Of_Name       Now the name of the source image
        dc.b   "Full_Path_Name"     This is a name in simple Ascii format
        dc.b   0                    Pad out the byte, if not even
* Each image is a normal packed bitmap, in "pic.pac" format
* At this moment, there are only two possible image types
* Simple image
        dc.b   Packed_data          Internal to the screen packer!
* Alternatively, the data can be a BOx definition, a Line definition
* or comments on a specific image, entered in the resource bank_maker.
* in this case, a magic number, =$ABCD will be immediately BEFORE
* the graphic data.
        dc.b   "name  "             8 bytes, Ascii
        dc.w   Number_Of_Images     A BOx needs 9 images, Lines need 3
                                    and a simple image has only 1
        dc.w   $ABCD
        dcb.b  Packed_Data
* These types can be mixed in any order, so it is acceptable
* to put the comment line BEFORE the button definition
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